Interest CheckAUG 22, '21 - SEPT 22 '21
App. Period
SEPT 14, '21 - OCT 25, '21
>> CLOSED <<
Processing Apps
OCT 25, '21 - NOV 1, '21
E-mails Sent Out
Nov 2, '21 - NOV 5, '21
Creation Period
NOV 6, '21 - MAR, 1 '22
MAY 1, '22 - MAY 31, '22
>> CLOSED <<

Will this zine be physical or digital?> Ideally, both! The physical printed zine will include both art and written pieces. We'll also have merch bundles.Is this zine for profit or charity?> Profit! All the money we make will be split up among the mods and contributorsWho can apply?> Since this is a paid zine, minors aren’t allowed to apply. If you’re under 18 or don’t have your age listed anywhere, your application won’t be considered. We’re also only looking for artists and writers at this time.

Where can I apply?> Applications are now closed !! If you missed the window for applying we hope that you'll still support this zine !What will be featured in this zine?> Let’s Go, Johto! is a gen zine centered around Johto and its characters. We’re only focused on the games, so no manga-verse content will be allowed.

No. 196

24 - they/them- Artist Mod
> Hello, I’m so excited for this zine! I’ve always loved the pokemon of Gen II, but having (Finally!) played heartgold has ignited my love for the characters ♡
> This will be the first zine I’ve modded personally, but I promise to keep things organized and communication open!

No. 197

24 - she/he - Writer Mod
> Hey guys, I’m happy to be here and super excited to make this zine with you all! Pokemon has always been a part of my life but in the past year it’s become kiiind of an obsession lol.
> I’ve taken part in quite a few zines and have run a gift exchange before, but this is my first time as a mod. Despite that, I promise to do the best that I can to make things run smoothly and make this a great experience for everyone!